
来源:上海美高学校 时间:05-19


"Let’s bring hard to learn mathematics closer to students, and let children feel that mathematics is so interesting." With this intention, the school holds a grand mathematics festival and Pi Day on March 14 every year.On this day, we started to conduct daily activity of PI for one week.




Have you ever thought how wonderful a spark can be produced at the crosswords of mathematics and art? In this Pi Day Activity, students try to insert mathematical elements into food, art, T-shirt and even computer programming. It can be said that a hundred flowers bloom with originality. Now look at the amazing work they brought.

一个个简单的作品从无到有,由简到繁,从质朴到精美,原来枯燥的数学也可以如此美丽!π Day活动在欢乐的氛围中结束了,但是对趣味数学无止尽的探索活动仍浸透在美高的数学课堂里。希望每位同学都能在生活中发现数学,体会数学的奇妙,探索数学奥秘!

A simple work from scratch, from simple to complex, from simple to exquisite, the original boring mathematics can also be so beautiful! π day activities ended in a happy atmosphere, but the endless exploration of interesting mathematics is still permeated in the mathematics classroom of Living Word Shanghai. We hope every student can find mathematics in life, experiencing the wonder of mathematics and explore the mystery of mathematics!

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